Title: Math Girls 2: Fermat's Last Theorem
Author: Hiroshi Yuki
Translation by: Tony Gonzalez
Release date: December 2012
Format: Hardcover (ISBN 978-0983951339), Paperback (ISBN 978-0983951322)
Available at: Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble
“What’s the big deal about Fermat’s last theorem?” Yuri asked.
“It’s famous,” I said. “So simple anyone can understand it, but it took centuries for mathematicians to prove it’s true.”
With a note scribbled in the margin of a book in the 1600s, Fermat set in motion centuries of effort spent unraveling this enigma. It would require 358 years and the development of entirely new fields of mathematics to provide a definitive solution to what is now recognized as one of the greatest mathematical problems of all time.
In this second book in the Math Girls series, you’ll join Miruka, Tetra, and new “math girl” Yuri in explorations of number theory, abstract algebra, modular arithmetic, methods of proof, and other intriguing mathematical topics, leading up to a whirlwind tour of the modern proof of Fermat’s last theorem. Math Girls2: Fermat’s Last Theorem has something for anyone interested in mathematics, from advanced high school students to college math majors and educators.