Math Girls Talk About... Series

Title: Math Girls Talk About Equations & Graphs
Author: Hiroshi Yuki
Translation by: Tony Gonzalez
Release date: May 2014
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Format: Hardcover (ISBN 978-1-939326-22-5), Paperback (ISBN 978-1-939326-19-5)
From the author of Math Girls comes an exciting new series for learning and reviewing important skills for taking on advanced mathematics!
The first volume, Math Girls Talk About Equations and Graphs, develops topics such as using variables in equations, polynomials, setting up systems of equations, proportions and inverse proportions, the relation between equations and their visual representation as graphs, parabolas, intersections, and tangent lines. These topics are introduced through conversations between the characters from Math Girls, offering a fun way to learn this serious content. Each chapter comes with review problems and answers, and an appendix gives more challenging, open-ended problems for learners wanting to push the limits of their understanding. This book is most suited to middle- or high-school students who have learned basic algebra, or older readers who want to brush up on forgotten math skills.
A second volume in the Math Girls Talk About... series, planned for release later this year, explores the nature of the integers. Subsequent books will cover other topics needed for studying advanced mathematics, from calculus to abstract algebra and beyond.
This series came about through requests from readers who enjoyed the excitement of learning aspects of the Math Girls series, but found themselves unprepared to keep up with the mathematical content. We hope that the books in this series will help young mathematicians firm up vital math skills that will allow them to excel in more advanced studies.

Title: Math Girls Talk About the Integers
Author: Hiroshi Yuki
Translation by: Tony Gonzalez
Release date: September 2014
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Format: Hardcover (ISBN 978-1-939326-24-9), Paperback (ISBN 978-1-939326-23-2)
Math Girls Talk About the Integers introduces students to a variety of fun and informative topics in discrete math, including curious features of the prime numbers, tricks for checking for multiples of 3 and 9 (and why those tricks work!), using division remainders to solve some unusual problems, and an in-depth look at proof by mathematical induction. These topics are introduced through conversations between the characters from Math Girls, offering a fun way to learn this serious content. Each chapter comes with review problems and answers, and an appendix gives more challenging, open-ended problems for readers wanting to push the limits of their understanding. This book is the second in a series aimed at preparing students for advanced mathematics studies.

Title: Math Girls Talk About Trigonometry
Author: Hiroshi Yuki
Translation by: Tony Gonzalez
Release date: December 2014
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Format: Hardcover (ISBN 978-1-939326-22-5), Paperback (ISBN 978-1-939326-19-5)
Math Girls Talk About Trigonometry explores a variety of fun and informative topics in trigonometry, from basics like defining the sine and cosine functions, to less frequently seen topics like Lissajous curves and different ways of deriving the value of pi. These topics are introduced through conversations between the characters from the Math Girls series, offering a fun way to learn this serious content. Each chapter comes with review problems and answers, and an appendix gives more challenging, open-ended problems for readers wanting to push the limits of their understanding. This book is the third in a series aimed at preparing students for advanced mathematics studies.